I Title: Money and Counterfeits
II Introduction: One paragraph
A. Basic facts
1. Money is used to trade things
2. Money is not created by Governments or banks
3. Counterfeits are often used to gain advatanges
III What is money?
A. Definition
1. anything that is for trade
B. The forms of money
1. bills
2. coins
3. gold and silver
IV Who creates money?
A. Bills
1.Bureau of Engraving and Printing
B. Coins
1. U.S Mint
C. Random facts
V Creating Counterfeits and Controlling Overproduction: How do people create counterfeits and how does the Treasury controls it?
A. Inflation
1. Increasing the value of money
2. Usually caused by the vast production of counterfeiting
B. Features of Money
1. Microprints
2. Special paper
3. Special ink
C. Punishments
1. Enforced by the U.S Secret Service
2. Serve in jail
D. Creating Counterfeits
1. Use computers and scanners and printers
VI Summary:
A.The Persuasion
1. Our life is mostly based on money
2. Money is not very easy to duplicate
3. The consequences doesn't only apply to you, but to other people too
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