When somebody says money, what is the first thing you think of? Is it buying things? Is it getting a paycheck? Or is it shopping? No matter what it is, don't you think you need to know about it before you use it wisely? In my opinion, large amount of the population inadequately understands about money, especially the creation of money. Paul Krumm, the author of How Money is Created, Disappears, and Works, also has the same opinion:
“The matter of money creation is poorly understood. There is a common misconception that banks or governments create money. Governments only borrow money into existence from the banks. Banks can and do manage and redistribute money and wealth.”
Wouldn't it be great if you had as much money as you like? Well you are not the first one to think of that idea. Many people have tried to buy or sell things with counterfeits. From George Felkenes' point of view, he describes counterfeits as "the unauthorized duplication of any object, especially money, with the intent to defraud (cheat someone).” The kind of counterfeits I'm talking about is money. Counterfeiting is a serious crime and it's something that can make you serve in jail for a long time. Counterfeiting not only would make your life worse, but it also affects other people's lives.
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